Finally we went clubbing together!!! REIJI PARTY!!! wooohoooo...
It was my 1st time of this year and the 2nd time of my life...
It feels so different compare to the 1st time i went with my foundation friends and my ex-bf...
If you ask me a question - Do you like clubbing??
My answer will be yes and no... WHY??
I enjoy dancing with my friends without caring how people look at you... you can just dance whatever styles you like and enjoy the time with friends... forget all assignments, quizzes, practicals and uni pressure....
it is actually not as scary as we thought... there are so much security guards and even police inside to ensure everyone's safety and the bus-stop back to our home is just right in front of the club... It's fun!!!
and now i understand why do people like clubbing so much...
of course i won't go that often... maybe the next clubbing night will be after end of uni in mid of nov...
I say NO because of a few reasons... first of all, its really crowded inside and of coz got ppl won't missed the chance to grind on people... in other words, they do talking with their pelvic... body to body contact... in simple way, 抽水...
when we just arrived, it wasn't many people inside because it was just 10pm... got 3 LA sailors flirted with us and they holded on either sok's or kim's waist to dance.. luckily not me...
it's like so damn man... it started to be really crowded after 12am... 2 guys grinded on both of my side when i danced with my friends... kim & sok trying to pull me to other side but they followed us... it's difficult enough to move at crowded place already... 2 of them like competing who is more geng grinding on me... EEUUUUU...
we did move around in the club when people around you moved and pushed you to other side... no matter how many times one of the guys move away from us, he still can found us back... and the most disgusting part.. before we went out to check on the bus time table, i felt that his hand was on my pelvic bone for few minutes... i tried to express "eeuuu" on my face to seek for help from them... but what can they do??? when they asked me whether wanna leave at that time of course i said yes....
apart from the 2 guys grinding on me (they told me that there were actually 3), both kim & sok also kena chou shui... but kena chou shui in club is predicted one... 算了啦。。。不抽都抽了。。。不去也去了。。。
after checking on the bus time table, we have to wait for 30 mins for the bus.. so we decided to go back to dance for another 30 mins... we moved to other place to dance trying to prevent the grinding from those guys... who knows, the guy who keep on looking at kim just now saw us and move to our side.. this guy and his friend are quite nice tho.. he didn't grind on us larr... but he offered help to us... he helped kim & sok to halang those guy who use their pelvic to talk to our butt... he is quite skillful at it...
we were almost deaf when we came out from the club... we thought we were talking in normal voice in the bus but actually we were shouting to each other... we arrived home at around 2:30am...
we enjoy the night so much but damn tired larrr... my shoulder and arms muscle pain.... boo...
the following photos are pre-clubbing pic... during clubbing one upload next time larrr... damn tired now...
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