Wednesday 23 June 2010


Something wrong with my coding thingy in my previous post. I couldn't type out the BMI reference range for some unknown reason. I tried to correct it couple of times but still fail so give up.

Body Image

This is a recent pic of me that took couple of days ago at DFO. What word would you use to describe my body image?
Obese? Overweight? Fat? Moderate? Slender? Skinny? Lean?

My body weight is under 50kg and my height is 161cm. Average BMI 19 - 20 which fall in lower normal range.

Every girl do concern about their weight, BMI and most importantly the appearance of body image. Guys would never understand how these things could simply irritate or mentally abuse a girl's feeling by taking that as a joke. Guys, sometimes you might not mean it, but what you use to describe a girl's body image could broke her crystal heart. So please mind your words to prevent any unpleasant feeling for the girl that you are not actually mean it.

I personally think that I have a moderate and healthy body even though my arms and shoulders are a bit bigger, meaty, runny, wide... I lose my self-esteem when I look at those skinny girls with tall, lean, S shape body, long and thin arms and legs. I can feel the jealousy in my eyes and my heart and I started to imagine how could I transform myself into a kind of them. I try to control my diet but I lose to temptation. Work out some physical activities would never be my choice (don't you know that I hate exercise and sweating?). Avoid all the junks doesn't help much. It won't help me to get through the underweight group.

I know I do look a bit fat compare to those typical skinny girls. I'm so heart broken to be called fat and "大隻" (big size). I'm fine with little fat but I would never think that my body is so damn terrible until to be called big size. It's so heart breaking and I'm totally broke down. I feel bad even more when I heard those skinny underweight girls saying they are fat and want to lose weight. You will have only skin and bone left if you really mean it! That hurts people so much!!!

You will look like this

like it, girls?? GO FOR IT!!!! You are so fucking idiot! Guys, don't ya love your girlfriends to be look so "delicious", do ya?

I'm wondering what's wrong with this world? How guys define good body looking? The BMI grouping should be downgrade like

<15>23 overweight

As a future dietitian, is my job gonna be molding all the ladies into anorexia type to be called pretty? If it is, I am NOT qualified to be a dietitian and I would give up my job. 'Coz that is called very unhealthy for me and the world gonna be 80% people overweight and obese! I will need to work until my pant drop to help people with BMI > 18 to fit into the incredible, awesome anorexia body size or I should say guys' desire body size. Most importantly, I will be listed into overweight group how could I pursue people anyway? This world is so depressing. I will be more than happy to sing So happy I could die in the coffin. Thanks Lady GaGa for writing that song. It would be my greatest entertainment when I were 6 feet under.

I'm really truly feel sad about this world. What I can do to minimise my body size is making myself to have eating disorder and bulimia. These are the 2 ways that I could think of, which might help myself to go down 1 or 2 size. Nothing wrong with or proud to be wearing size 8 was what I always think of but the world doesn't think so. I have to wake up!! WAKE UP!!! WAKE UPP!!!! Size 8 is effing terrible! You're fat!! YOU ARE SO DAMN FUCKING UNACCEPTABLE!!!!

My dear house mates, hope I didn't frighten you. I really need to cut down my weight a bit. Please don't tempt me on food. I really mean it. I have no face no status to live in the world with this mad cow massive body.

Sunday 20 June 2010


Finally my exam is over!!! I can have fun and doing something officially that known as "procrastination" during exam period! WOOT!! Skip the exam part, coz I'm really not impressed by my performance. I gonna be grumbling again like 2000 words if the exam topic continue.

Yea, I had my very first post-exam celebration with my colleagues right after the exam.

Station 1: Sizzler

Love the food especially their salad bar. People who love salad, Sizzler is highly recommended!
The salad bar is like buffet style. My diet plan all destroyed in 1 night :'(

Cheese Toast!!

The legendary potato skin!! Mad Nice!!

Caesar Salad~ *love love*

My beautifully decorated chocolate ice-cream!
There is a bunch of kids like "eeuu euu eeeeuu eeeeuuu... I'm not gonna eat this. I will vomit if I have to eat this."
I was like "there is something very wrong with you for not loving chocolate"
It's personal preference. Can't argue. Stop being childish. Owh.. I forgot they are kids.
My lovely colleague, the NUDies (Nutrition and Dietetics I mean)
Left to right: Samantha, Mai, Izyan

Left to right: Ruth, Bonnie, Joyce
and of course ME!!
This is a simple yet fun celebration after exam. Goodnight everyone and have a great holidays! Have a safe trip and please remember to miss me^^


Day 1: Holiday Begin!!
Can't believe that I slept more than half of a day after exam. I get up at 1:30pm!!! My coffin is effing comfy!! Need to get up and go to Chermside to look for a bag for mom^^

I'm wearing the honey brown medium wig with my navy blue and white stripes dress from Valley Girl~

Okay, I have a very serious question! According to the 2 pics above, how old am I do you think?
I met this 2 cute little girls, one 4 years old and one 2.5 years old at David Jones bed linen department.
One of them ask me:"are you a mummy?"
Me:"No." (was damn mad in my heart)
Girl:"Who are you?"
Me:"I'm just a girl"
Girl:"Of course you're a girl"

bla bla bla

Skip all those random conversation.

By the way, do I really look like a mom?? Is that mean I look old or I really look like someone's mommy? Kids don't lie. SOB....

I bought this cute little dress from Forever New!
Original Price $99.95
but i bought it!!!
'coz i love it!!
another reason: It's on sale and my size is available!!
70% off!! how could i resist the temptation??
OOhhh GOossshhHHH!!!
spending $$ again.
Unable to get mom's bag but stuff for myself
but not feeling guilty at all
erm.. maybe yes.. Guilty Pleasure
Seriously shopaholic!

2nd round celebration with my housemates + Welcome home Jimmy
Kim, Stella, Jimmy, Sok, Mung and me had steamboat!
We have tonkotsu soup and tom yam soup.

My favourite, fish ball with shrimp filling.

After dinner we watch FIFA World Cup. Japan vs Netherlands and Australia vs Ghana.
Freaking tired now and I have to wake up at 8:30am for SHOPPING at DFO!!


Friday 18 June 2010

Last Post before exam

OMFG!!! Can't believe that I actually let Kimmy put up the freaking retard video of me in her blog!!! I will have no image after that spread out widely~ My life is screwed by exams!! but I have awesome post during exams. Not that I don't need to study! I stayed up whole night from sunset till sunrise and not even give the ipad a glance! ipad is just sitting next to me~ what i'm really interested in is my warm and lovely coffin.

I have to shout out proudly that "I haven't put on any make up on my face more than 2 weeks!!!" Not even to the exams! This is my 1st casual makeup of the month and my outfit to uni for my last exam of the semester. Okay, I know! very pale! come on!! 2 weeks sleep dept so don't expect so much k? I know I look 30 years older now. No concealer no foundation no base. Better than without make up show in 3rd pic larr..

Extremely ugly!! The clothe I bought ages but no courage to wear out!
Fat what!!
Only can wear in my room show "zhou gong" (one of the chinese god who control sleep and dream) larr..

Kim w/o sleep whole night rushing her funding stuff with this great hair!

Ad for ipad
Hermes zai (crocodile) also want to be a star!

Time to do my final revision. Ciao~


Thursday 17 June 2010


I feel like my blog is a place where I'm destroying myself. Scaring people who read my blog by showing ugly pics that I would never post in facebook, swearing altruistically, telling people how I FML... And another reason, most of my pic here come up without makeup and all of them are not photoshopped! I have to say that I'm like intimidating the whole world more than entertaining my reader. Why? Coz people who don't like me can simply tell others the ugly truth behind me and make the world hates me. I gonna do it anyway~ coz I think the world will love me ^^

Here is the pic that I took so much courage to put up~ I look 20 years older just in 2 nights because of the life-threatening exams! My hair looks damaged as a result of lack of care. It's exam period! Can't spend time on doing treatment and beautify it! :'(
This is another reason of me being wigaholic~

Back to topic of the day:

'shopaholic', 'alcoholic', 'workaholic', 'catholic' are common terms in our life. Have you heard of 'wigaholic'?

Now I'm going to show what's wigaholic is...

Wig = fake hair
Borrow from the words alcoholic, shopaholic & workaholic. Wigaholic is used to describe someone who loves wig!! YESS!! It's me!!! I love wig!! You can simply change your hairstyles, hair colours everyday without damaging your real hair! It's important to get good quality wigs so that it looks real on you. I'm just going to show you 2 of my wig collections. Sorry no make up! Exam busy~ Skin condition a bit shitty..

The first one is a barbie highlight gold blond wig

I'm Mother Monster, Lady GAGA's Little Monster!

The second is honey light brown medium wig

Awwww.. You spotted me of being self loving, looking at myself in the mirror~

The little hat suppose to be my blythe's

Here are some tips on wearing wigs:
1. Make sure you hide your hair properly
2. Get a good quality wig (good quality wig doesn't mean expensive!)
3. Get a wig that match you (style and colour) If it doesn't, you will look funny~
4. GET A HAIR NET!!! This is the ultimately vitally most important step especially for someone who has long hair. It helps you on hiding your hair properly.
5. Find a trustworthy and reliable seller! I get my wig from a seller called Snowygurl in ebay. She's good and quick response. The quality of the wig really worth the price I paid for them!

This is the hair net! I'm like the jewelry shop robber in old time drama~

See, my hair in neat and tidy condition now.

Compare to the very first pic of me on pajamas without wearing a wig, which one do you like?? With or without wearing wig? Do you think I look better or funny or ugly with a wig? Please give me some valuable opinions coz I'm still a beginner and I really need your suggestions to help me in improving my wig wearing skills. Thanks


New Blog Dress

I feel like having a red hot blog but end up like this. Damn terrible.. FML spending half an hour altering the background colour but still can't get the colour I want! OOhhh Gosshhhhh!!!! Gonna change it again when my piranha come. Boooo...

I had 2 exams in a consecutive day which means that I haven't slept for 2 days!! Seriously turned into an undead crossbridge of zombie and vampire! Why vampire? My bed is my coffin and I usually take a nap in daytime and work like crazy at night. Why zombie? I need to consume high cholesterol brain to survive instead of drinking blood like vampires do! I mean it! Give me your brain!!!!! So I call myself Zompire~ What a new word...

After the 2 exams marathon, finally I have a day break till my next exam. I found my life back!! Gonna mutate into Zompire again in the next few hours~ booo...

I still have my final paper on Friday anyway. Better optimise my time on yielding some productive biochemistry knowledge~ YAY!!! final paper!!! Can't wait till Friday 18th June 2010 3:40pm!! WOOT!!! Celebration!!!

I wanted to put up my recent pic here but I decided not to do so for my popularity and my admirers' sake!

My brain is freeze. Back to my coffin. Ciao.

Zompire Cookies

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Lost of interest

I used to love medical physiology, I used to get distinction in this unit but why not anymore?? I did pretty good for my quizzes but my mid-semester exam result was like shit!! Just get a pass!! DAMN FML!! I'm so lost! I have less than 12 hours to finish the second half semester lectures but I still can't find my motivation. Why?? How?? How?? I don't want to fail. I can't fail. I'm so disappointed with myself but I can't disappoint my parents. I'm so depressed right now but I can't giving up in that way. Does crying help in de-stress? I don't want to look like Ultrawoman tomorrow morning anyway~ I heard that crying will blind my eyes. I need a shoulder to lay on. Maybe just a hug? I'm cracked...

Saturday 5 June 2010

My besties & I

We laugh, we eat, we sleep, we hang out, we have fun, we play, we jokes, we tease, we sing, we care, we bet, we stalk, we study, we care, we miss, we hug, we hiao, we "ohhh goosshhh", we talk, we live, we walk, we run, we PROCRASTINATE (our favourite activity)!, we spend every single day together!

Now I'm going to show you show awesome we are! Here are some pic randomly choose from my photo album. Too much pic to filter~

Yes! we love uno stacko

Wanna have thin face without photoshop?
Do this!

erm.. I don't know what they are doing.. but i love this pic that captured the very natural moment of them!

Kim: can you help me to take a pretty single pic of me?
We: sure!
but I think the pic would look bored without some k-leh-feh

2 ugly pic that would never show up in facebook

Transformation of Stella~

Wow!! Very successful thinning program!
Wanna lose weight? find us dietician

The Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster! My 2nd favourite ride in Movie World!
I almost killed by my brother for the first visit with my family~

My No.1 favourite ride in Movie World!! SuperMan Escape! Syok chin chin!!

The Devil-ish King of Cobra

Introduce you the signature half-face + water in mouth photo-taking skill

The girl-ish version

and now the guy version

originate from Jennifer!! ttaaa-daaa

Look at Bernard's eye!! See who is he spotting at!! (tell you a secret, he's smirking to Jimmy.. SSshhhh)

Trying to act like a model~


My Twins?!

My baby Emmette

Housemate trying to take ugly pic of himself

Love my housemates, adore my friends~
Some more pic will be coming up when my piranha come
<3 xoxo