Saturday 5 June 2010

Update for previous post

Orh.. Just asked Stella what's the drama we that we are watching currently. It's 谈情说案 by 林峯、楊怡、馬國明 and 廖碧兒.

林峯 and 馬國明 are so hot in the drama man!! 馬國明 has quite a lot sexual reference scene as well but haven't reached the point of erotic of course! It's Asian drama what do you aspect to see more?

Here is the link that you can watch the lattest 4 episodes of the drama. If you like the drama and wish to watch from the beginning then you might need to go to some forums to download them. Enjoy~

Jasmine & Kimberley: back to your book! You guys returned at the very wrong time!

Why we come back? 'Coz we rely on blogs and twitter to survive!

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